Old School #1 , 30x32 Color Print (filmstrips)



Starting at a young age and with a simple 110 “Instamatic” camera, I have explored the world around me using a variety of photographic medium; from digital and film photography to platinum, cyanotypes and other alternative processes.  I am forever intrigued by the unexpected; a road not previously travelled, a surprise reaction, or awaiting, with great anticipation, the development of an image in the darkroom..

At a time when my oldest child was finishing college, I received my art degree from the University of Hartford/Hartford Art School, Summa Cum Laude, May 2010. 

Awards include the 23rd Annual Photographic Excellence Award from NWCC and the Rachel Sternshein Memorial Award presented by the Hartford Art School.

Works exhibited include Silpe Gallery and ArtSpace in Hartford, CT (The Wedding Dress; A Series), the Nina Freudenheim Gallery, Buffalo, NY (The Rainbow Never Tells Me),, the Shoreline Arts Alliance 35th Annual Photographic Exhibit (Honor Thy Mothers Series), Guilford, CT, the Vermont Center of Photography No Tech/Low Tech exhibit (Honor Thy Mothers #3), the Shoreline Arts Alliance 37th Annual Photographic Exhibit (Old School), and the HAS Alumni Exhibition 2017 (various Cyanotypes).  Publication credits include “Reflection” Mad River Anthology.