Nothing mattered more to us as children than recess and playing outside on the playground.  Time has certainly changed the landscape of the playground; from seesaws and swings to elaborate works of art with multi-colored rungs and slides.   "Playscapes" are a more colorful component of children’s play, but it certainly hasn’t changed why children enjoy the activity; it is a time to break from classes and to get a little physical activity.  It is also a time to learn the basics of relationships and socializing.

When the term “Old School” is used, it evokes a feeling that something or someone is “behind the times.”   Others look at something “Old School” and respect it for what it once was, and how it has brought us into the future.   I pay homage to the laughter, the screams, the tears and the trials of being a kid on the playground, and I do so with an “old school” process - film.

The bold colors and shapes of a school’s playscape complement the frenetic energy usually found there.  "Old School” is a testament to what we did and where we were, and where we are going now; into the future with a respect for the past.